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Abstract #3980

Impact of genotype on pancreatic iron overload and impaired glucose metabolism in thalassemia major.

Antonella Meloni1, Laura Pistoia1, Vincenzo Positano1, Nicolò Schicchi2, Gennaro Restaino3, Luigi Barbuto4, Ada Riva5, Giuseppe Peritore6, Letizia Tedesco7, Angela Ermini8, Domenico Visceglie9, Costanza Bosi10, Paola Maria Grazia Sanna11, and Filippo Cademartiri1
1Fondazione G. Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana, Pisa, Italy, 2Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti "Umberto I-Lancisi-Salesi", Ancona, Italy, 3Gemelli Molise SpA, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura "Giovanni Paolo II", Campobasso, Italy, 4Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale Antonio Cardarelli, Napoli, Italy, 5Ospedale “SS. Annunziata” ASL Taranto, Taranto, Italy, 6"ARNAS" Civico, Di Cristina Benfratelli, Palermo, Italy, 7Presidio Ospedaliero Locri - A.S.P di Reggio Calabria, Locri (RC), Italy, 8Ospedale S. Maria Annunziata, Bagno a Ripoli (FI), Italy, 9Ospedale “Di Venere”, Bari, Italy, 10Ospedale “G. Da Saliceto”, Piacenza, Italy, 11Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Sassari, Sassari, Italy


Keywords: Pancreas, Tissue CharacterizationOn the basis of the type of gene mutation, three groups of patients with thalassemia major were identified: homozygotes β+, compound heterozygotes β+/β° and homozygotes β°. β0β0 patients were more likely to have pancreatic iron overload than both β+β+ patients and β0β+patients and had a double risk of alterations of glucose metabolism compared to β+β+ patients. Our findings support the knowledge of the different genotypic groups in the clinical management of β-TM patients.

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