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Abstract #4274

APTw Combined With Multiple Models DWI of Endometrial Cancer: Correlations Between Multimodal Parameters and HIF-1α Expression

Ma Changjun1, Tian Shifeng1, Liu Ailian1, Chen Lihua1, Lin Liangjie2, Zhang Xiaoxiao3, Guo Yinghua4, and Wang Jiazheng4
1Department of Radiology,, The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China, China, 2Clinical & Technical Support, Philips Healthcare, Beijing, China, China, 3Clinical & Technical Support, Philips Healthcare, Wuhan, China, China, 4Clinical & Technical Support, Philips Healthcare, Shanghai, China, China


Keywords: Placenta, Quantitative ImagingHIF-1α is a major transcriptional factor regulating gene expression under hypoxic conditions. The identification of HIF-1α expression is very helpful for the quantitative assessment of tumor hypoxia, on which the therapeutic response is predicted or regimens are adjusted .

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