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Abstract #4282

An add-on local external shim array to improve the main magnetic field homogeneity in the prostate

Carlijn Tenbergen1, Angeliki Stamatelatou1, Sahar Nassirpour2, Paul Chang2, and Tom Scheenen1,3
1Department of Medical Imaging, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2MR Shim, Reutlingen, Germany, 3Erwin L. Hahn Institute, Essen, Germany


Keywords: Prostate, Shims, Diffusion, SpectroscopyB0-field inhomogeneities can influence (spectroscopic) image quality of the prostate, causing geometric distortion in diffusion weighted EPI images as well as line broadening in MRSI voxels. We added a 16-element external local shim array around the pelvis to improve B0-field homogeneity within the prostate and evaluated its effects compared to standard shimming in 9 healthy volunteers. Resulting B0-maps showed a comparable or reduced frequency variation across subjects, with a significant decrease of MRSI citrate line widths. DWI did not show a robust effect over the group of subjects.

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