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Abstract #4368

Relaxation Anisotropy Mapping of Articular Cartilage at 3 T

Ville Kantola1,2, Jouni Karjalainen1,2, Victor Casula1,2, Mikko J. Nissi3, and Miika T. Nieminen1,2,4
1Research Unit of Health Science and Technology, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2Medical Research Center, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 3University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland


Keywords: Cartilage, Relaxometry, Relaxation anisotropyThe study of T2 and T anisotropy in musculoskeletal tissues, arising from the orientation of collagen fibrils in tissue, has so far been limited to experimental MRI systems. Here we present a method for measuring relaxation anisotropy ex vivo on a clinical MRI system. Furthermore, we aimed to quantify and compare the degrees of orientation dependence in bovine articular cartilage through anisotropy mapping. T2 and T mapping was performed on bovine stifle joint samples at multiple sample orientations. After coregistration anisotropy maps were created using Michelson contrast. The results showed large variations in anisotropy across cartilage thickness and topographical locations.

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