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Abstract #4527

A clinical application of ZTE-MRI in diagnosis of knee using joint space and angles

Hui Wang1, Weiyin Vivian Liu2, Wen Chen3, Jingyu Jiang4, Ling Sang3, Peng Zhang3, and Hu Chen3
1Hubei University of Medicine, Department of Radiology, Taihe Hospital,, Hubei, China, 2GE Healthcare, Beijing, China, 3Shiyan Taihe Hospital, Hubei, China, 4Biomedical Engneering College, Hubei University of Medicine, Hubei, China


Keywords: Bone, BoneX-ray showed no significant abnormalities at early stage of OA, but obvious manifestation appeared in the middle and late stages. Our study demonstrated that joint space and joint angle can be measured on ZTE-MRI in evaluation of knee mechanical function and further support anatomical evaluation using Kellgren-Lawrence grading system that is the most widely used method for osteosurgeons in diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis. We also found both JS and CD were correlated with KLZTE score and both showed significant difference between mild/moderate and advanced groups. Therefore, ZTE-MRI has great potential in displaying structure abnormality.

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