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Abstract #4640

Highly accelerated acquisition of MP2RAGE using Compressed SENSE

Yang Zhao1, Yishi Wang2, Guangbin Wang1, and Weibo Chen2
1Department of Radiology, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, Jinan, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Beijing, China


Keywords: Data Acquisition, Data Acquisition, compressed sensingThe magnetization-prepared 2 rapid acquisition gradient echo (MP2RAGE) sequence provides morphological T1-weighted images and quantitative T1 maps. Compressed sensing (CS) acceleration technique has been drawing extensive attention with its high acquisition efficiency for MRI sequence. In this study, volume measurement and ROI analysis were used to assess the images obtained from CS-MP2RAGE sequence under different acceleration factors. We find that CS-MP2RAGE show high similarity in brain structure volumes measurement and ROI analysis with traditional SENSE-MP2RAGE. Those findings prove that CS-MP2RAGE can be considered as an alternative to the SENSE-MP2RAGE, though the specific acceleration factor still needs to be further studied.

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