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Abstract #4809

Reducing scan-time for 3D imaging with undersampled cartesian-radial phase encoding on a point-of-care 46 mT Halbach MRI scanner

Chloé Najac1, Kirsten Koolstra2, Tom O’Reilly1, and Andrew Webb1
1C.J. Gorter MRI Center, Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Philips, Best, Netherlands


Keywords: Low-Field MRI, New Trajectories & Spatial Encoding MethodsLow-field MRI systems (with B0<0.1T) for point-of-care applications are becoming increasingly widespread. Imaging at low-field remains challenging due to the low intrinsic SNR. We evaluated speeding up 3D imaging using radial-based Cartesian undersampled phase-encodings (PEs). In phantoms, we tested different undersampling schemes and compared them to full in-out Cartesian PE in terms of peak SNR (PSNR) to take account of spatial resolution and image SNR. Results suggests that a radial-based Cartesian PE trajectory with an overall acceleration factor of two can be implemented while preserving image quality (PSNR~69dB with R=2 vs. ~70dB with R=1.3 in a discrete spatial resolution phantom).

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