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Abstract #4876

A new class of easily synthesized manganese contrast agents for liver MRI

Sean William McRae1, Michael Cleary2, Francisco Martinez3, Ying Xia3, Peter Caravan2, Eric Gale2, John Ronald3, and Timothy Scholl3
1Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Western University, London, ON, Canada


Keywords: Contrast Agent, Molecular ImagingThis work investigated the performance of a novel class of Mn(II) T1 contrast agents made from a commercially available chelator with various lipophilic targeting moieties added to promote uptake through the human derived OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 transporters. Agent performance was assessed in vitro using cells engineered to express the human OATPs, and in vivo by assessing liver uptake in mice where other OATP isoforms are present. In vitro measurements suggested targeting of agents to human OATPs where in vivo imaging revealed strong contrast enhancement in murine livers, with no evident toxicity at a 0.1 mmol/kg dose.

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