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Abstract #4881

Robust in vivo MRI of OATP reporter gene expressing cells using standard clinical dose of MRI contrast agent

Tapas Bhattacharyya1, Jeremy M.-L. Hix1, Christiane L. Mallett1, and Erik M. Shapiro1
1Radiology and Institute for Quantitative Health Sciences and Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States


Keywords: Molecular Imaging, Cell Tracking & Reporter GenesHepatic OATPs are a promising molecular imaging reporter gene for MRI yet its translation for human studies is limited by the reported extremely high dose of contrast agent required (>40x clinical dose) for robust detection of engineered cells in vivo. Here we describe studies that culminated in the in vivo MRI detection of OATP-overexpressing cells using standard clinical doses. OATP-overexpression was accomplished by lentiviral transduction of tumor cells, followed by MRI screening to determine the best performing OATPs. In vivo MRI of OATP-overexpressing tumors was accomplished using a combination of both T1-weighted and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE-) MRI.

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