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Abstract #4902

Brain R2 dependence on field strength

Yicun Wang1, Peter van Gelderen1, Jacco A de Zwart1, and Jeff H Duyn1
1AMRI, LFMI, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States


Keywords: Relaxometry, BrainGradient Echo Sampling of Spin Echo signal was used to obtain R2 maps in nine adults at 3 T and 7 T. These were analyzed using anatomically defined ROIs, across most of the brain. Comparison between the two field strengths shows in most brain regions the R2 increases by about a factor of 1.62, with the notable exception of regions high in iron. Linear fits of R2 versus estimated iron concentration yielded 50.6 and 132 1/s/(mg/g) for 3 T and 7 T respectively, in line with prior reports at lower fields for the field dependence of iron related relaxation.

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