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Abstract #4965

Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging Using Low Rank Reconstruction for Multi-shot Variable Auto-Calibrating (vARC) Sampling with Volume Coil

Nitin Jain1, Ashok Kumar P Reddy1, Rajdeep Das1, Sajith Rajamani1, Rajagopalan Sundaresan1, Harsh Kumar Agarwal1, M Ramasubba Reddy2, and Ramesh Venkatesan1
1GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India, 2Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India


Keywords: Image Reconstruction, BodyDiffusion weighted MR imaging (DWI) is key to pathology detection in anatomies such as brain, abdomen and prostate. Echo planar imaging (EPI) provides a rapid means to acquire DWI. EPI with variable k-space sampling scheme and an auto-calibrating image reconstruction technique, vARC, has recently been shown to reduce distortion in DWI and improve the image quality in single channel volume coil/body coil acquisitions. Here, we propose a new low rank reconstruction technique for robust reconstruction and improved image quality for DWI acquired using vARC’s EPI multi-shot acquisition scheme with single channel body coil.

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