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Abstract #5027

Conditional VAE for Single-Voxel MRS Data Generation

Dennis van de Sande1, Sina Amirrajab1, Mitko Veta1, and Marcel Breeuwer1,2
1Biomedical Engineering - Medical Image Analysis Group, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2MR R&D - Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands


Keywords: Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, Spectroscopy, deep learning, generative modellingWe propose a conditional VAE to synthesize single-voxel MRS data. This deep learning method can be used to enrich in-vivo datasets for other machine learning applications, without using any physics-based models. Our work is a proof-of-concept study which demonstrates the potential of a cVAE for MRS data generation by using a synthetic dataset of 8,000 spectra for training. We evaluate our model by performing a linear interpolation of the latent space, which shows that spectral properties are captured in the latent space, meaning that our model can learn spectral features from the data and can generate new samples.

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