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Abstract #5106

Slice-selective Zero Echo Time imaging of ultra-short 𝑇2 tissues

Jose Borreguero1, Fernando Galve2, Jose Miguel Algarín2, Jose María Benlloch2, and Joseba Alonso2
1Tesoro Imaging S.L., Valencia, Spain, 2Institute for Molecular Imaging and Instrumentation, Spanish National Research Council & Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain


Keywords: New Trajectories & Spatial Encoding Methods, New Signal Preparation Schemes

Here we provide an MRI sequence which allows slice selection and 2D-imaging of hard tissues with T2 as short as 275 μs within clinically acceptable scan times even at fields as low as 260 mT. Our proposed sequence combines slice selection through spin-locking, which suffers a much more benign decay (T>>T2), and the fastest imaging sequence (ZTE), providing a new and robust tool for slice selection of the shortest-lived tissue signals in the body.

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