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Abstract #5107

Low-Rank Plus Sparse Accelerated Proton Resonance Frequency Shift and T1-mapping with a Dual-Echo 3D Spiral Ultra-Short Echo Time Sequence

Sheng Chen1, Zhixing Wang1, Yekaterina K. Gilbo2, Helen L. Sporkin1, Samuel W. Fielden3, Steven P. Allen4, John P. Mugler III5, G. Wilson Miller5, and Craig H. Meyer1,5
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Netflix, Los Gatos, CA, United States, 3U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, United States, 4Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States, 5Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States


Keywords: Sparse & Low-Rank Models, Image Reconstruction, UTE, Spiral, Focused Ultrasound

Unintended heating of the skull and nearby brain tissue during MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) treatment is not standardly monitored. A method for addressing this issue, which combines variable flip angle (VFA) T1 mapping and proton resonance frequency (PRF) shift thermometry based on a dual-echo 3D spiral ultra-short echo time (UTE) acquisition, was accelerated with a low-rank plus sparse model in image reconstruction and validated using retrospectively undersampled data in vitro.

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