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Abstract #5138

Cine MRI reconstructed from 3T contrast-enhanced free-running 5D coronary MRA: comparison to standard 2D cine MRI

Haruno Ito1, Masaki Ishida1, Masafumi Takafuji1, Shinichi Takase1, Yoshiaki Komori2, Davide Piccini3,4, Jessica A.M. Bastiaansen4, Jérôme Yerly4,5, Matthias Stuber4,5, and Hajime Sakuma1
1Radiology, Mie University Hospital, Tsu, Mie, Japan, 2Siemens Healthcare K.K., Tokyo, Japan, 3Advanced clinical imaging technology, Siemens Healthineers International AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland


Keywords: Heart, Heart, Cine MRICine MRI derived from 3T contrast-enhanced free-running 5D whole-heart coronary MRA (free-running cine MRI) was compared with standard 2D cine MRI in 30 patients with suspected CAD. In a selected patient, temporal width was optimized to 50 ms. Then, in the remaining 29 patients, free-running cine MRI provided good agreement in LV volume and function quantification with standard 2D cine MRI with a good inter-observer reproducibility. The results suggest that free-running cine MRI allows for a shorter scan protocol by skipping the standard 2D cine MRI.

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