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Abstract #5285

In Vivo Imaging of LC-NE Integrity: Mechanisms Underlying Heath Disparity for Alzheimer’s Disease

Yu-Shin Ding1, Jiacheng Wang1, Artem Mikheev1, jingyun chen1, and James Babb1
1NYUSoM, New York, NY, United States


Keywords: Alzheimer's Disease, PET/MRAlthough blacks are at 2-3 times higher prevalence rate of developing AD, blacks have been under-included in many prominent AD clinical trials. The current biomarker classification system (ATN) can’t explain the increased prevalence in blacks of both AD and vascular risk factors for AD such as diabetes and hypertension when compared to whites. Our decade-long PET/MR studies have demonstrated a special vulnerability of locus coeruleus (LC) to aging and stress. Our recent study showed that a faster decline of LC function occurs in blacks. Thus, imaging LC represents a novel biomarker approach to mechanisms underlying health disparity for AD.

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