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Abstract #5310

Attention network dysconnectivity and impaired visual search in individuals with early developmental brain injury

Marie Drottar1, Claire E Manley2, Lotfi B Merabet2,3, and Corinna Bauer1,3
1Lab for Neuroimaging and Vision Science, Gordon Center for Medical Imaging at Mass General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Schepens Eye Research Institute,Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


Keywords: Neuro, Brain Connectivity, multimodalThis study investigated the relationship between structural and functional disconnectivity of the dorsal and ventral attention networks and performance on a visual conjunction search task in individuals with early developmental brain injury (EDBI). Individuals with EDBI performed significantly worse than controls on the conjunction search task, as indicated by increased mean search time, higher y-intercept, and increased search time as a function of task difficulty (i.e. steeper slope). Each of these behavioural outcomes was positively correlated with connectivity measures in the dorsal and ventral attention networks, suggesting that aberrant functional and structural connectivity may underlie the observed visual search impairments.

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