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Abstract #0577

MRI Measurements of Tumor Size and Pharmacokinetic Parameters as Early Predictor Variables in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant AC-Chemotherapy

Su M, Mehta R, Nalcioglu O, Yu H
University of California

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, which plays an important role in breast-cancer therapy, requires a reliable means to predict the response of tumor at early times once the chemotherapy is initiated so that the patient could be spared from ineffective treatment. MRI measurements of tumor-size and pharmacokinetic parameters (Ktran and kep) were investigated in 27 breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant AC-chemotherapy to ascertain their values as predictors of response. Statistically significant reductions in both parameters were observed after 1-2 cycles of AC only for the responders predicting their response after 4 cycles of AC, complementing the size-reduction observed after 1-2 cycles of AC.