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Abstract #0676

Basal CBF and CBF fMRI of rhesus monkeys on a Siemens Trio 3T using a three-coil continuous arterial-spin-labeling technique

Zhang X, Auerbach E, Nagaoka T, Zhou L, Champion R, Duong T, Ma X, Edmonds C, Hu X
Emory University

This study reported the implementation of a three-coil continuous arterial-spin-labeling technique on a Siemens 3T Trio for non-human primate research. High quality basal cerebral-blood-flow (CBF) images were obtained in 4 mins with 1.5 mm isotropic resolution. CBF fMRI were obtained with a 7-second resolution. Combined CBF and BOLD fMRI associated with hypercapnic challenge showed robust and heterogeneous signal changes across the entire brain as expected. fMRI were studied under graded isoflurane concentrations. This technology is expected to provide a non-invasive means to study physiology, function, neurovascular coupling, and metabolism (i.e., CMRO2) for non-human primate research.