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Abstract #2289

Evaluation of the Reproducibility of Intrarenal R2* Maps at 3.0T

Jiang X, Wang X, Xu Y
Peking University First Hospital

MRI maps of R2* have been shown to provide a new method for monitoring intrarenal oxygenation noninvasively. In this study we tested the reproducibility of BOLD-MRI R2* mapping at 3.0T in 8 healthy volunteers. The mean R2* values were 15.511.19Hz in cortex and 34.961.51Hz in medulla. The coefficients of variance between two examinations were 5.8% in cortex and 4.1% in medulla. Bland-Altamans analyse showed that there was a good agreement between both renal R2* values. In conclusion, R2* values could be measured in a reproducible way in the renal medulla and cortex at 3.0T.
