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Abstract #2659

Quantitative Magnetic Resonance and Histological Analysis of Primary Motor Neuronal Loss in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Yang Q, Connor J, Smith M, Wang J, Bigler D, Simmons Z, Meadowcroft M
Pennsylvania State University - College of Medicine

To evaluate and quantify MRI T1 and T2 image and parameter mapping differentials found in the primary motor cortex of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cadaver brains. Four cadaver brains of patients diagnosed with ALS were embedded and scanned with T1 and T2 quantitative parameter mapping protocols. All four cadaver brains exhibited the same lack of gray and white matter contrast within the primary motor cortex. T1 and T2 parameter mapping and region of interest analysis show significance in relaxation values. Magnetic resonance T1 and T2 parameter mapping allows for accurate quantification of contrast differentials in the motor cortex of ALS tissue. This contrast differential is significantly different from other brain regions of interest and was evaluated and verified with histological staining.