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Abstract #2876

Can MRS Improve Our Ability to Distinguish Between Benign and Malignant Lesions?

Hecht E, Mercado C, McGorty K, Kitazono M, Salibi N, Do R, Moy L
New York University

Single voxel spectroscopy was performed in combination with dynamic contrast enhancement breast MRI at 1.5T and 3.0T in 36 lesions. Two interpretations were performed for each lesion, initially based on the morphologic and kinetic features, and afterwards with the addition of the MRS data. While choline was not detectable in all cases of breast cancer, it was found in 4/5 patients whose MRI was initially interpreted as being negative. In all patients without breast cancer, MRS confirmed the low level of clinical suspicion as no choline was detected. The MRS data helped to distinguish benign from malignant breast lesions.