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Abstract #3314

Selective Visualization of Hypokinetic Small Bowel Loop using Small Motion Probing Gradient with Low b Value.

Takahara T, Cauteren M, Kawada S, Ichikawa T, Imai Y, Horie T, Sakurada A
Tokai Univ. School of Medicine

Cine MRI surpasses CT in the diagnosis of strangulated small bowel obstruction because it can evaluate peristaltic function of the obstructed loop. However it is difficult to visualize a strangulated loop selectively because non-strangulated loops also show high intensity on cine MRI. We hypothesize that low b-value images may highlight hypokinetic loops by suppression of the signal from the intestinal lumen in adjoining small bowel loops with normal peristaltic function. The results show that signal intensity of the strangulated loop on low b value (50 sec/mm2) image is much larger than normal loop and therefore the strangulated loop can be visualized selectively.