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Abstract #3479

Oncological imaging: Whole-body MRI for staging of patients with malignant lymphoma

Frericks B, Meyer B, Wolf K, Wacker F, Albrecht T, Huppertz A
Charit, Campus Benjamin Franklin

Aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of whole-body MRI for staging of 27 patients with malignant lymphoma. 4 MR sequences were compared to whole-body CT. Regarding lymph node involvement T2w-STIR was superior to CT in the neck and the abdomen and comparable in the thorax. Bone marrow involvement as well as extraosseous extranodal findings were best detected by T2w-STIR. Whole-body MRI is a valuable imaging modality for staging of lymphoma patients with T2w-STIR being the most sensitive sequence reaching results that are superior or at least comparable to CT.