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Abstract #3653

Parallel 2D and 3D spectroscopic imaging using GRAPPA

Ruff J, Seiberlich N, Jakob P, Griswold M, Blaimer M, Ebel D, Breuer F
Siemens AG Medical Solutions

In this work the GRAPPA algorithm has successfully been applied to 2D and 3D spectroscopic parallel imaging. We demonstrate that the flexibility of the GRAPPA approach allows one to derive the reconstruction weights either from a few extra acquired CSI data in the center of the phase encoding k-space or alternatively from a fast fully-encoded low-resolution reference pre-scan. Four-fold accelerated 2D CSI phantom and 3D in-vivo head experiments are presented with both high spectral and good image quality.


reconstructionacceleratedin vivophantomspectraacetateacquisitiondisplayedfast