XIANG LIU1, WEI TIAN2, Sven Ekholm1
1Department of Radiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA; 2Department of Radiology, ; University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY, USA
Up to 40% non-enhancing supratentorial gliomas and neuronal-glial tumors may be misdiagnosed as low grade on conventional MRI. We hypothesized that diffusion indices from DTI are useful in preoperative grading of these tumors. The mean, maximal and mean maximal FA values and FA ratios as well as mean, minimal and mean minimal ADC values and ratios were evaluated in 25 patients. For all FA indices there were significant differences between low with high grade, ROC analysis showed that the mean maximal FA and maximal FA values had higher sensitivity and specificity in grading, which may be valuable supportive diagnostic tools.