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Abstract #1091

Direct Visualization of β-Amyloid Plaques in Alzheimers Disease Brain Tissue Using Clinical Field Strength MRI

Hagen H. Kitzler1, John A. Ronald1, Yuanxin Chen1, Robert R. Hammond2, Brian K. Rutt1

1Robarts Research Institute, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada; 2Department of Neuropathology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

We investigated the capability of high-resolution 3T MR using three-dimensional Fast Imaging Employing STeady state Acquisition (FIESTA) for the detection of β-amyloid plaques in fixed brain specimens from Alzheimers Disease (AD) patients. Focal spherical signal voids were found in neuro-anatomical locations characteristic for the disease, and correlated with β-amyloid plaques identified in registered histological and immuno-histological sections stained for both iron and β-amyloid protein. Here we present the first successful attempt at direct imaging of amyloid plaques in human AD brain tissue using clinical field-strength MR imaging system supported by a specialized gradient insert.
