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Abstract #1147

An Estimation of Method-Inherent and Pathology-Associated Variability of GM Measures in MS Using Dual Sampling

Jan Scholz1, Tarunya Arun1,2, Morgan Hough1, Amy Dodd1, Heidi Johansen-Berg1, Jackie Palace2

1Functional MRI of the Brain Centre, Oxford, UK; 2University Department of Clinical Neurology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK

Cortical grey matter (GM) atrophy has been described in multiple sclerosis (MS) before (1). However, little information exists about the inherent variability of measures of grey matter within individual MS patients. Here we estimate the variability of GM measures by employing a longitudinal dual sampling study protocol and two different analysis techniques: voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and surface-based morphometry (SBM). We also contrast the scan-to-scan variability with the pathological changes occurring during the course of a year within the same patients.