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Abstract #1188

Determination of Hand Motor Corticospinal Tract in Corona Radiata by Functional MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Cheol Pyo Hong1, Sung Ho Jang2, Dong Hoon Lee1, Do Wan Lee1, Bong Soo Han1

1Deptment of radiological science, College of Health Science , Yonsei University, Wonju, Kangwondo, Korea; 2Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Yeungnam University, Daegu, Korea

To measure the relative mediolateral distance and anteroposterior distance of the center of the hand motor CST at the level of corona radiata diffusion tensor tractography were obtained using fMRI activation map for twenty healthy subjects (11 men, 9 women, mean age: 42 years). The mediolateral distances were 26.3 3.0 % in the upper CR and 21.9 3.3% in the lower CR and anteroposterior distance were 42.9 7.0% in the upper CR and 36.2 9.8% in the lower CR, respectively. The anteroposterior distance in the lower CR shows good agreement with previous study.