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Abstract #2305

Fiducial Markers for Correlation of Whole-Specimen Histopathology with MR Imaging at 7T

Deirdre Maria McGrath1, Roxana M. Vlad2, Warren D. Foltz1, Kristy K. Brock1,3

1Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network,, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 2Radiation Medicine Program, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 3Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Histology provides the gold standard for tumor delineation and the assessment of tumor response to cancer treatment. There is a growing role for multi-modality image registration with histology in radiotherapy in order to estimate the anatomical changes during and following radiotherapy. However, fixation and pathology techniques change tissue properties non-uniformly and the margins of the tissue sections are often distorted and sometimes disrupted. Furthermore, differences in sectioning angle and thickness increase the difficulty of correlating cross-sectional imaging and pathological findings. We present preliminary results of testing two injectable fiducial markers for whole-specimen histopatholoy correlation with high-field (7T) MR imaging.
