Clifton R. Haider1, John Huston III1, Norbert G. Campeau1, James F. Glockner1, Anthony W. Stanson1, Stephen J. Riederer1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
It is assumed in view-shared time-resolved 3D CE-MRA that spatial frequencies not updated every frame have limited variation over time. This is not the case. As the time spent in acquiring data used to reconstruct a frame increases, so does the susceptibility to time-related artifacts. Undersampling the CAPR sequence can eliminate view sharing, causing the temporal footprint to match the frame time. Due to its specific k-space sampling pattern, this can be done with CAPR without degrading the spatial resolution. 1 mm isotropic resolution results are demonstrated in MRA of the calves with image acquisition times less than 5 sec.