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Abstract #3273

Relation Between Cerebral Perfusion Territories and Location of Cerebral Infarcts

Jeroen Hendrikse1, Esben Thade Petersen2,3, Amandine Chze2, Soke Miang Chng2, Narayanaswamy Venketasubramanian2, Xavier Golay2,4

1UMC, Utrecht, Netherlands; 2National Neuroscience Institute, Singapore; 3CFIN, Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; 4Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore

The perfusion territories of the brain feeding arteries are difficult to assess in-vivo and therefore standard cerebral perfusion territory templates are often used to determine the relation between cerebral infarcts and the feeding vasculature. In the present study we compared this infarct classification, using standard templates, with the individualized depiction of cerebral perfusion territories on selective arterial spin labelling MRI. The additional information from the TASL images changed the classification in 11% of the cortical or border zone infarcts (6 out of 56) whereas no territorial changes were observed in lacunar, periventricular, cerebellar and brainstem infarcts.
