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Abstract #3905

Evaluation of the Femoral Arteries: Before or After Tumor Treatments Using Non-Contrast MRA Using Subtraction Method Based on Velocity Encoding Technique

Takayuki Masui1, Motoyuki Katayama1, Mitsuharu Miyoshi2, Kimihiko Sato1, Hiroki Ikuma1, Hidekazu Seo1, Masayoshi Sugimura1, Megumi Ishii1, Naoyuki Takei2, Tetsuji Tsukamoto2

1Radiology, Seirei Hamamatsu General Hospital, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan; 2Japan Applied Science Laboratory, GE Yokogawa Medical Systems Ltd, Hino, Tokyo, Japan

Flow Saturation Preparation (Flow-Sat-Prep) technique, which saturates flow signals in preparation pulse with velocity encoding and crusher gradients, is a non-contrast (NC) MRA technique for selective visualization of the artery and vein. In 20 patients, NC MRA demonstrated superficial femoral arteries and/or graft vessels without overlaps of the venous or background signals. NC MRA provided identical information to that of contrast enhanced (C) MRA regarding the patency of the femoral arteries and grafts. Without side effects related contrast agents, NC MRA might replace C MRA for the evaluation of the femoral arteries.