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Abstract #4411

Dynamics and Distributions of Temperature Changes During Pharyngeal Selective Brain Cooling by 1H CSI

Daniel Coman1,2, Hubert K.F. Trubel3,4, Peter Herman1,5, Fahmeed Hyder2,6

1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; 2Quantitative Neuroscience with Magnetic Resonance (QNMR), Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; 3Bayer HealthCare Research Center, Wuppertal, Germany; 4Department of Pediatrics, HELIOS-Klinikum Wuppertal, University Witten/Herdecke, Wuppertal, Germany; 5Semmelweis University, POB 448, H-1446, Budapest, Hungary; 6Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

Pharyngeal selective brain cooling (pSBC) has been suggested a more suitable alternative to whole body cooling to decrease brain temperature. Temperature distributions in rat brain can be obtained within minutes by using a new exogenous temperature-sensitive probe, TmDOTMA-. The pharyngeal brain cooling rate constants and the recovering rate constants were calculated from the temperature variation over time. The recovering rate constants show a distribution which is slightly more dispersed than that of the cooling rate constants. Our results indicate that pSBC rate constants are tightly dependent on the local net heat contribution, measured indirectly by the recovering rate constants.

