Pekka Sipil1,2,
Gerhard Wachutka2, Florian Wiesinger1
1GE Global Research, Munich, Bavaria,
Germany; 2Institute for Physics of Electrotechnology, Munich
University of Technology, Munich, Bavaria, Germany
of an apparatus for improving image quality during MRI-scan by measuring the
magnetic fields with pulsed NMR probes. Closely interleaved excitation
pulses, of which phase is in coherence with the precessing spins, offer high
SNR also during short TR and high-resolution imaging. This offers more
general functionality with respect to MR imaging parameters, and has not been
achievable with previous magnetic field monitoring NMR probe designs. The
applicability of the developed feedback based coherent excitation scheme to
operate NMR probes for monitoring k-space trajectories is shown with a spiral
acquisition scheme.