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Abstract #0262

Field Strength Reproducibility of Hepatic Proton Density Fat Fraction Estimation by a Complex-Data, T1-Independent, T2*-Corrected, Spectrum-Modeled MRI Technique

Benjamin Johnson1, Michael Schroeder1, Katie Hansen1, Geraldine HyeWon Kang1, Tanya Wolfson1, Anthony Gamst1, Scott B. Reeder2, Claude B. Sirlin1, Mark Bydder1

1University of California-San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States; 2University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States

With over ten million Americans affected by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), there is a need for a non-invasive biomarker of liver fat content. Because confounders lead to inaccurate estimates of liver fat when using conventional MRI, advanced MRI techniques are being developed and refined to address these problems and accurately and precisely predict hepatic fat content. We demonstrate the reproducibility across field strength of an advanced complex-based MRI technique that corrects for confounders such as T1 bias, T2*, spectral complexity of liver fat, eddy currents and noise bias.
