Hauke Kolster1, Ron Peeters2, Guy
A. Orban1
1Lab. for Neuro- and Psychophysiology,
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 2Radiology, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
functionally mapped areas within the human posterior lateral-occipital (LOC)
and hMT/V5 complex. Using a topographical alignment and correlating
retinotopic with unsmoothed functional data we developed a fMRI group
analysis, which is specific to within fractions of the individual areas. We
demonstrate that the human MT/V5 complex includes the homologue of the
macaque MT/V5 field-map cluster, consisting of areas V4t, MT/V5, MSTv, and
FST. We further show that these areas can be sharply distinguished from
neighboring areas in LOC based on functional characteristics and that a
previously reported overlap of motion and shape responses coincides with
areas V4t and FST.