Katherine Frances Holliday1,2, Josephine H.
Naish1,2, Jean Tessier3, Geoffrey J M Parker1,2
1Imaging Sciences, The University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; 2Biomedical Imaging
Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom; 3Early Clinical
Development, AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, United Kingdom
this work we have optimised two sequences commonly used in Oxygen-Enhanced
MRI (OE-MRI), Inversion-prepared Half Fourier Turbo Spin Echo (IR-HASTE) and
Spoiled Gradient Echo (SPGR), for use in the kidneys. We then compared their
abilities in vivo in a single subject. Finally we carried out a dynamic
OE-MRI study in the kidneys of a small group of healthy volunteers. We showed
that through the parameterisation of the dynamic signal curve obtained during
gas switch-over, it is possible to create maps which distinguish between
regions in the kidney with differing oxygen delivery.