Ahmed Abou Elseoud1, Tuija Hiltunen1,
Pasi Lepola2, Kalervo Suominen2, Tuomo Starck1,
Juha Nikkinen1, Jukka Remes1, Osmo Tervonen1,
Vesa Kiviniemi1
1Diagnostic Radiology,
that low frequency FbEEG recordings correlate to the most active brain
network at rest, i.e. default mode network (DMN). We investigated the
correlation between the two signals, and we showed how the amplification of
vasomotor waves by caffeine alters the resulted correlation. Correlations
between FbEEG and resting state BOLD were located in the dorsomedial
prefrontal cortex (dMPFC), left superior medial and precentral gyri. Caffeine
administration augmented the correlations in dMPFC and more correlating areas
were observed in; ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vMPFC), cuneus, lingual,
middle occipital, middle temporal gyri and right anterior cingulate. These
correlations were reduced after physiological corrections.