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Abstract #0628

PET Validation of Vascular-Space-Occupancy CBV Measurement

Jinsoo Uh1, Ai-Ling Lin2, Kihak Lee2, Peter Fox2, Hanzhang Lu1

1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States; 2Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States

This study validates the use of VASO-MRI for quantitative measurement of cerebral blood volume in unit of ml blood in 100 ml brain. We measured CBV values using PET and VASO-MRI on the same subjects and compared them. The results showed that VASO-MRI provides quantitative and accurate estimations of CBV values in the human brain. Our data also demonstrated that VASO CBV has a higher SNR compared to the PET technique in addition to providing a higher spatial resolution.
