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Abstract #1763

ASL Based PhMRI in Assessing Serotonergic Response in Users of XTC

Marieke L. Schouw1, Sanna Gevers1, Charles B.L.M. Majoie2, Jan Booij3, Aart J. Nederveen, Liesbeth Reneman

1Radiology, AMC, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands; 2Radiology, AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 3Nuclear Medecine, AMC, Amsterdam

We investigate whether pharmacologic magnetic resonance imaging (phMRI) is suitable in detecting serotonin terminal loss in users of XTC (MDMA, ecstasy). 10 XTC users and 7 controls underwent ASL (arterial spin labelling) based phMR imaging with a challenge with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram. Data were combined with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging with [123I]-CIT. Markedly different citalopram-induced CBF changes were observed in XTC users compared to controls, in brain regions that also showed (a tendency) towards reduced SERT densities. These preliminary results suggest that ASL-based CBF measurements may be indirect measures of serotonin terminal loss.
