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Abstract #1872

SPIO-Labeled Natural Killer Cells: Cytotoxicity and in Vivo Imaging

Christiane L. Mallett1,2, Catherine Ramsay1, Paula J. Foster1,2

1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada; 2Medical Biophysics, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Purpose: We labeled natural killer cells and tested cytotoxicity against prostate cancer cells in vitro. In vivo MR tracking was performed. Methods: KHYG-1 cells were labeled with MoldayION by incubation. Toxicity against PC-3M prostate cancer cells was measured after 24 hours co-culture. Labeled KHYG-1 were injected into the flank of mice and tracked with MRI over 9 days. Results: Labeling efficiency (80%) and viability (>90%) were high. Labeled KHYG-1 were toxic to PC-3M. Injected cells were tracked toward the popliteal lymph node in mice. Conclusions: KHYG-1 will be valuable in future in vivo investigations of immuno-therapy of prostate cancer.
