Christopher Steward1,
1Radiology, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 2Medicine, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 3Surgery, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 4Radiology, Royal Melbourne Hospital,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
pathogenesis of tumour associated seizures (TAS), a common co-morbidity with
brain tumors remains poorly understood. Glutomate has been implicated in many
types of epilepsy. In a pilot study the concentration of glutamate/glutamine
associated with gliomas using in vivo MRS was studied, and correlated with
observed pre-operative seizures. Elevated glutamate/glutamine levels were
found in the peritumoral area of tumours who experienced pre-operative
seizures compared to those which did not. Due to the small sample size, we
are in the process of acquiring a larger MRS and ex vivo prospective data set
(N>100) to confirm these findings.