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Abstract #2352

Aqueduct CSF Flow Measured Objectively with PC-MRI

Anders Whlin1, Khalid Ambarki1, Anders Garpebring1, Jan Malm2, Richard Birgander1, Anders Eklund1

1Radiation Sciences, Ume University Hospital, Ume, Vsterbotten, Sweden; 2Clinical Neuroscience, Ume University Hospital, Ume, Vsterbotten, Sweden

Aqueductal cerebrospinal fluid flow, measured with motion sensitive phase contrast MRI, is subject to typical imperfections in flow imaging such as partial volume effects and difficulties in lumen delineation. In this study we abandoned graphically represented vessel delineations. Instead we used complex data generated by the PC-MRI in a method with the potential of objective and absolute measurement of CSF velocity and area, without restrictions by matrix resolution. We compared the complex value methodology with conventional manual segmentation for the determination of aqueduct CSF stroke volume in a group of 42 healthy elderly.
