Marlies Elly Joy Friese1, Kimble R. Dunster,
12, Gary J. Cowin1, Deming Wang1, Graham Galloway1,
John Fraser3,4, Andreas Schibler, 4,5
1Centre for Magnetic Resonance, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 2Medical
Engineering Research Facility,, Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 3Paediatric Intensive Care Unit,,
Mater Childrens Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 4Critical
Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia; 5Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Mater Childrens
Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
ventilation distribution was investigated in using both hyperpolarised
helium-3 magnetic resonance imaging (HP3He MRI) and electrical impedance
tomography (EIT). Time averaged EIT data and HP3HeMRI images of apnoea showed
ventilation distribution in rats to be gravity dependent, whereas regional
filling characteristics are dependent on anatomy. HP3He MRI and EIT data
agree where they can be compared. HP3He MRI provides data on real geometry
which EIT cannot as EIT tomograms are reconstructed to a circular image.
Dynamic imaging of the breathing cycle with HP3He is still needed to make a
full comparison of the two methods.