Michael Germuska1, Jian Xu2,
Martin Leach1, Geoffrey Payne1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, London,
United Kingdom; 2Siemens Healthcare U.S., New York, NY, United
vivo 1H MR spectroscopy has proved valuable for evaluating tumours. However,
acquisition of spectra in the abdomen is complicated by respiratory motion.
The motion degrades the spectral quality by phase and frequency distortions
and by modification of the PSF. We
compared two approaches to combat motion in liver spectroscopy. The first
utilises a post-processing approach to correct phase and frequency
distortions, the second employs prospective gating when acquiring the data.
Both techniques showed an improvement in linewidth and SNR compared to
free-breathing acquisitions. The post-processing methodology showed an
advantage in SNR due to the increased number of signal averages.