Ramesh Paudyal1, Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1,2,
Swayamprava Panda1, Joseph D. Fenstemacher3, James R.
1Neurology, Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, MI, United States; 2Physics, Oakland University,
Rochester, MI, United States; 3Anestheisology, Henry Ford
Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States
(CE-MRI) utilizes T1 and T2* contrast mechanism and paramagnetic labeled
contrast agents (CAs) to characterize the resultant kinetic parameters of
cerebral tissue. In this study, the
dynamic maps of the ratio of T2* and T1, i.e.2 (the ratio of the
relaxivities of T2* and T1), are employed to track the movement of the
macromolecular CAs in tumors interstitium. The velocity wave fronts show the
redistribution of CAs after extravasation in interstitium which allows
monitoring the delivery of the chemotherapeutic agent in tissue