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Abstract #2728

Using DCE-MRI Model Selection to Investigate the Disrupted Microvascular Charateristics of Tumour-Bearing Livers

Anita Banerji1,2, Josephine H. Naish1,2, Yvon Watson1,2, Giovanni A. Buonaccorsi1,2, Geoff J. Parker1,2

1Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, School of Cancer and Imaging Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; 2Biomedical Imaging Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom

Healthy liver tissue has highly leaky sinusoids, a dual blood supply and can be characterised using the one-compartment dual-input Materne model, whereas the two-compartment single-input extended Kety model is often used to describe tumours that contain capillaries and have an arterial supply. We use the Akaike model selection criterion applied to dynamic contrast-enhanced MR data of liver tumours. We demonstrate that the extended Kety model is preferred within the tumour with a trend towards the Materne model within non-tumour liver tissue. This has implications for the identification of tumours in the liver and for partial volume errors.
