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Abstract #3182

Comparison of Short Echo Time T2 and T1rho Measurements in Menisci from Subjects with Osteoarthritis

Min-Sun Son1, Weitian Chen2, Eric Han2, Atsushi Takahashi2, Stuart Goodman3, Marc Levenston4, Garry Gold5

1Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States; 2GE Healthcare; 3Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University; 4Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University; 5Radiology, Stanford University

T1ρ and T2 measurements were taken in the anterior, body, and posterior part of degenerated meniscal specimens using 3D MAPSS sequence with short echo times. Consistent variations were observed; T1ρ and T2 values were significantly shorter in the central body than either the anterior or posterior horn in both medial and lateral menisci, with the lateral menisci exhibiting greater variations among regions. A strong, positive correlation between T1ρ and T2 was also found for all pooled regions. Determining such relationship between the two time constants and linking it to the degenerative state of the meniscus will be useful in early detection of osteoarthritis.
