De Santis1,2, Silvia Capuani1,2
1Physics Department, Sapienza
University, Rome, Italy; 2INFM-CNR SOFT, Sapienza University,
Rome, Italy
is found in both diaphysis, where it is free, and in spongy bone, where it
fills the pores of the bone-matrix. The diffusion of water contained in the
bone-marrow can be investigated by means of the γ exponent, which
quantifies the deviation from the ideal Gaussian diffusive conditions. The
diffusion behaviour of water in free bone-marrow samples is characterized by
γ very close to unity. Conversely, in trabecular bone marrow the
internal gradients at the interface between bone and bone-marrow affect the
spin diffusion causing a deviation from the Gaussian behaviour, and γ
values smaller than unity are observed.